Thursday, January 26, 2006

Australia Day 2006

Australia Day. Celebrate what's great.

Australia Day 2006:I am, you are, we are Australia'. ‘For all of us’ - John Howard's election campaign slogan in 1996.

Australia Day is Australia's official national day, January 26. It commemorates the landing of the First Fleet in Sydney Cove on that day in 1788.Australia Day is a national public holiday. For some years the holiday was held on the closest Monday, to provide a long weekend. It is now held on the actual anniversary, with that day being the public holiday.Australia Day is marked by civic celebrations around the country, including Order of Australia and Australian of the Year awards for outstanding achievement. Air Force air displays are held in some capital cities. Citizenship ceremonies are also held on Australia Day.Fireworks celebrations are held in many towns and cities around the country. The Perth Lotterywest Skyworks display is billed as the largest Australia Day celebration in the country, with more than a third of the city's population (around 500,000 estimated for the 2006 Skyworks) lining the river foreshore for the display.Two significant events in the Australian music scene occur on Australia Day - the Triple J Hottest 100, usually celebrated by fans with a barbecue and party, and the Sydney leg of the Big Day Out music festival. There is also often a one day cricket match such as the 2006 Australia Day match in Adelaide.今天,1月26日是一年一度的澳洲國慶,1788年1月26日,Arthur Phillip將軍,正式宣布新南威爾斯(今澳洲),為英殖民地;而他,也成為了第一任總督.這天,對澳洲人來說是意義重大的一天,1946年正式被澳洲聯邦政府列為國慶日,從此慶祝就不曾間斷. 今天,在澳洲各地都會有慶祝活動,早上,都會有升旗活動,然後某些地方政府會有新移民入籍公民的宣誓典禮,許多地方會提供免費的早餐,晚上某些地方如PARRAMATTA PARK會施放煙火!雪梨灣會有慶典海上遊行!
@AUSTRALIA DAY的官方網站 請自行連結找尋相關活動
@2006 Australia Day Guide:

Nicole Kidman receives Australia Day Honor and becomes Goodwill Ambassador for United Nations all in the one week



Blogger Unknown said...

Lotterywest Skyworks display is billed as the largest Australia Day celebration in the country, with more than a third of the city's
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