Sunday, January 22, 2006

2000年雪梨奧運會場地-Sydney Olympic Park O


從雪梨開車30分鐘左右就可以到2000年雪梨的賽場,現在叫做奧林匹克公園(Olympic Park O)。奧林匹克公園坐落在南山大峽谷的腳下,當年曾經獲得最佳奧運場館的稱號。在那邊,你可以看見許多當年奧運會比賽的跑道、游泳館、網球館、籃球館等等。其實雪梨的奧林匹克公園以前是一個垃圾場,經過治理以後環境得到了很好的改善,澳大利亞的環保意識非常強,在奧林匹克公園很多都是使用的太陽能。未來5—8年,澳大利亞政府準備在奧林匹克公園周圍建造包括1300個住宅區,4萬多平方米的辦公樓。(所有的奧運村造鎮計劃,因發現一種濱臨絕種的黃金綠中青蛙-Green and Golden Bell frog,而停止下來,進行修改!)目前每一年來自全世界的到雪梨奧林匹克公園訪問的客人達到了550萬位人次,可以說雪梨奧林匹克公園已經成為著名的旅遊景點。雪梨奧運會給澳大利亞的旅遊經濟也帶來了一些好處。據估計,從雪梨奧運會舉辦之前3年,也就是1997年開始,到雪梨奧運會舉辦4年之後,也就是今年2004年為止,因為雪梨奧運會而帶來的遊客有160萬人次,帶來旅遊收入有61億澳元,折合臺幣1500億元。可以說2000年的雪梨奧運會對雪梨在全世界的推廣和雪梨的經濟發展有非常大的推動作用,因為奧運會給了雪梨一個向全世界的人民展示它的人文地理、民族風俗、美麗風光、晴天萬里的藍空的機會。雖然時序已過,但此地環保設理念,讓澳洲人最感驕傲。雪梨奧運主運動場,已完成改裝;成為可容納約八萬人的橄欖球及足球倆用的運動場.2002年,安裝活動座椅,使該場地成為長方形或橢圓形類型的比賽(變換時間僅需八小時!).2003年完成南北端的頂蓬,達成90%的覆蓋率.國際奧委會主席Samaranch讚譽,2000年雪梨奧運會,是最成功的一次奧運.
Map of Sydney Olympic Park:

@如何到達? 1. by Train CityRail operates three types of train services to and from Olympic Park Station, Sydney Olympic Park: Olympic Park Sprint operates between Lidcombe and Olympic Park Station at 20 minute intervals. Direct services between Central Station and Olympic Park Station, weekdays only. Major Event train services 2. by Buses Sydney Buses operates two daily full-time bus services to and from Sydney Olympic Park to the following locations: *Burwood Westfields *Strathfield Station *Newington *Rydalmere *University of Western Sydney (UWS), Nepean Campus Rydalmere *Paramatta Station *Lidcombe Station *Sydney Olympic Park Ferry Wharf Ferry Sydney Ferries operates a daily service between Circular Quay and Parramatta stopping at Sydney Olympic Park Ferry Wharf. The Parramatta River route departs Circular Quay, No. 5 Wharf .
@Green and Golden Bell Frog Fact File
The Green and Golden Bell Frog was once one of the most common frog species on Australia's south-eastern coast. However, populations have declined, probably as a result of habitat loss, introduced predators and other factors. It was listed as endangered under the New South Wales Threatened Species Act and is classified as vulnerable nationally.
The Green and Golden Bell Frog occurs in large, permanent, open-water swamps or ponds that have a variable water level and dense vegetation. In Sydney, despite this population decline, it is still present in a number of sites. One of these was the 2000 Olympic Games site at Homebush Bay, right where the tennis courts were meant to be built. The presence of the frog meant the building plans were halted and the courts eventually built elsewhere. Because of other work on the site, more frog habitat had to be created nearby. The Homebush Bay population has been monitored by the Australian Museum ever since and seems to be stable despite the surrounding site development.


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