Sunday, January 22, 2006

Art Gallery of New South Wales 新南威爾斯藝術館

澳洲 雪梨 新南威爾斯藝術館(Art Gallery of New South Wales)

新南威爾斯省是澳洲新大陸最先開發之地, 也是澳洲文化的起源. 因此新南威爾斯藝術館雖然並非澳洲最大的美術館, 但也收藏了不少澳洲最精緻的藝術品, 其中位於一樓的Yiribana土著及托勒斯海峽海峽島民美術館, 是原住民文物的最大展覽區, 也是該館最吸引國際遊客的一大特色.
新南威爾斯藝術館共有五層樓, 前門一進去即為四樓, 亦為澳洲藝術的精華所在, 包含19, 20世紀的澳洲藝術, 以及15至19世紀的歐洲藝術.
由於澳洲歷史文化發展僅兩個世紀, 藝術亦多受歐洲影響, 初期澳洲藝術更多見英國藝術之影子, 呈現移民文化的特色.
此時期澳洲藝術家較著名的如約翰‧葛洛佛(John Glover,1767─1849), 這位來自英國的畫家以風景畫著稱, 浪漫畫風為其特色, 特別強調樹木的曲線;另一位攝影師出身的WC. Pignenit(1836─1914), 是澳洲第一位本土畫家;Julian Ashton則在岩石區建立了第一家雪梨藝術學校(Sydney Art School), 目前仍繼續運作中.
On the fourth floor you will find an expensive restaurant and a gallery that often mounts free photography displays. On the second floor is a wonderful cafe overlooking the wharves and warships of Woolloomooloo. Every January and February there is a fabulous display of the best work created by school students throughout the state. >>高級餐廳內窗外景觀.
>>The Exhibition right now!
The First Impressionist - Camille Pissarro

Pissarro: The first Impressionist 19 November 05 – 19 February 06
Pissarro: the first Impressionist is the largest exhibition of a major Impressionist artist ever to be held in Australia. Comprising of more than 100 paintings and works on paper, it includes some of the artist’s most famous paintings. Camille Pissarro (1830–1903) was one of the leading and most influential French Impressionists. An ambitious and innovative painter, he was the only artist to participate in all eight of the historical Impressionist exhibitions held in Paris between 1874 and 1886, and was the principal organiser of the firstexhibition. Over 40 of the world's leading art museums have lent works for this landmark exhibition, including the Metropolitan Museum, New York; Musée d’Orsay, Paris; The British Museum, London.


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