Monday, January 23, 2006

雪梨城市博物館 Museum of Sydney

雪梨(城市)博物館(Museum of Sydney),是奠基在首屆政府官邸地基建造的現代博物館. 公元 1788 年,英國人在附近的 Circular Quay 一帶登陸,並且在博物館現址興建了 New South Wales(新南威爾斯省)第一所總督府。這裡也是雪梨的澳洲土著與英國艦隊首次相遇的地方。博物館內陳述了雪梨的歷史和現貌。其中有一段文字,提到有些人把英國人的 colonization 視為 invasion,並說 ”It means different to different people.”當年,英國人帶著稱霸世界、開闢天地的雄心壯志來到這裡,搶奪了別人的土地和資源,卻成就了今天的文明國家。這對澳洲土著來說,究竟是好事還是壞事呢?當取決於動機還是結果?如果百多年前,中國也像澳洲一樣被歐洲人征服,今日的世界會變成甚麼樣子?作為炎黃子孫的我,對此又會有何感受呢?
雪梨博物館 Museum of Sydney 近日正舉行一個名為 Bondi Beach歷史,文物和攝影作品展覽﹐展出 Bondi Beach在不同年代,雪梨人,對它著迷和對它依存的程度!也發展出,雪梨人,特有的海灘文化.這些風貌和市民作品,都在此次特展中呈現。 也補齊因時間關係,未能親臨Bondi Beach的遺憾!一家多彩多姿的現代博物館,座落澳洲最古老的地方之一,平實地記錄雪梨人生活的點滴,娓娓道來,各種不同雪梨的情節故事. 雖有些煽情,但從市民的角度;這是好的,是誠實地,也是平凡地!
Bondi: A biography
Famous for being famous, Bondi has regaled Australia with a continual stream of controversy, scandal and sensation. In a history littered with brawls, bikinis, crimes, characters, bombs and battles over development Bondi has lived up to its reputation as Australia’s most colourful suburb, a microcosm of Sydney writ large.
Fulfilling the multiple roles of international tourist site, national icon, city beach and residential suburb, Bondi is as much an idea as an area, a site tossed about between the respective visions of governments, developers, residents, tourists and mythmakers.
Bondi: A biography tells the story of this famous Sydney suburb – the people, ideas and institutions that have shaped it – and how Australia and the world came to love it.
here to see photos from the opening night.
here to see a PDF of the Bondi Exhibition Room Brochure
Museum of Sydney on the site of first Government House 18 December 2005 – April 2006

<這是1788年Governor Arthur Phillip設立第一個總督府留下的遺跡.


[群樹邊緣]是澳洲藝術家Lourence & Foley所設計的裝置作品希望將觀者帶回白人初踏上澳洲土地時>>>


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