Thursday, January 26, 2006

Australia Day 2006

Australia Day. Celebrate what's great.

Australia Day 2006:I am, you are, we are Australia'. ‘For all of us’ - John Howard's election campaign slogan in 1996.

Australia Day is Australia's official national day, January 26. It commemorates the landing of the First Fleet in Sydney Cove on that day in 1788.Australia Day is a national public holiday. For some years the holiday was held on the closest Monday, to provide a long weekend. It is now held on the actual anniversary, with that day being the public holiday.Australia Day is marked by civic celebrations around the country, including Order of Australia and Australian of the Year awards for outstanding achievement. Air Force air displays are held in some capital cities. Citizenship ceremonies are also held on Australia Day.Fireworks celebrations are held in many towns and cities around the country. The Perth Lotterywest Skyworks display is billed as the largest Australia Day celebration in the country, with more than a third of the city's population (around 500,000 estimated for the 2006 Skyworks) lining the river foreshore for the display.Two significant events in the Australian music scene occur on Australia Day - the Triple J Hottest 100, usually celebrated by fans with a barbecue and party, and the Sydney leg of the Big Day Out music festival. There is also often a one day cricket match such as the 2006 Australia Day match in Adelaide.今天,1月26日是一年一度的澳洲國慶,1788年1月26日,Arthur Phillip將軍,正式宣布新南威爾斯(今澳洲),為英殖民地;而他,也成為了第一任總督.這天,對澳洲人來說是意義重大的一天,1946年正式被澳洲聯邦政府列為國慶日,從此慶祝就不曾間斷. 今天,在澳洲各地都會有慶祝活動,早上,都會有升旗活動,然後某些地方政府會有新移民入籍公民的宣誓典禮,許多地方會提供免費的早餐,晚上某些地方如PARRAMATTA PARK會施放煙火!雪梨灣會有慶典海上遊行!
@AUSTRALIA DAY的官方網站 請自行連結找尋相關活動
@2006 Australia Day Guide:

Nicole Kidman receives Australia Day Honor and becomes Goodwill Ambassador for United Nations all in the one week


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

到雪梨歌劇院看歌劇 "Falstaff" in Sydeny Opera House

14 January - 15 February 2006Presenter: Opera AustraliaVenue: Opera Theatre

Falstaff is not young anymore. He's a little on the large side. But he's not ready to grow old gracefully, so watch out, ladies! Verdi's comic masterpiece, written at the age of 77, is a dramatic and vocal feast, directed con brio by Simon Phillips. Falstaff tries his luck with two married women, but he's no match for the combined wiles of Mistress Ford and Mistress Page. There's a big splash, a red face, and a wedding to boot… This opera is Verdi's fond celebration of life and love, full of inspired writing for both ensemble and orchestra.
Opera Australia Chorus and the Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra Sung in Italian with English subtitles
DURATION – 2 hours 55 minutes, including two 20 minute intervals
Conductor – Giovanni Reggioli
這次,很幸運能預先網路,定雪梨歌劇院Falstaff歌劇(網路預定票有最低價二大三小花費近台幣14,000).但能,進入世紀大建築,一窺就境,欣賞到世界一流歌劇團與管弦樂團,值回票價.PM7:30演出前,你可到歌劇院高級餐廳或Opera Bar進餐,培養情緒,像我們是sausage roll + fish & chip坐在歌劇院前,席地享用!七點左右,我們先進入,仔細欣賞opera house 內在建築;除音樂廳內,其餘的地方都可照相.此齣歌劇,係改自莎士比亞的作品,由意大利米蘭Verdi ,1893年首演.雖唱意大利文,但舞台設計與演員動作表情超級棒!三小孩,都沒打瞌睡,中場二次休息,整片落地窗很震撼欣賞到不同時間雪梨港灣,港灣大橋與相鄰音樂廳,水天一色,美不甚收,把雪梨之旅劃下完美的結局!


雪梨歌劇院內部,共有四個廳,分別為音樂大廳、歌劇院、劇場和音樂廳。音樂大廳座位有 3 千餘個,其餘各廳從 420 個到一千五百個不等。雪梨歌劇院的音樂大廳舉辦過無數的交響樂、歌劇、舞蹈、爵士樂和流行樂等大型演出。特別值得一提的是,在音樂大廳裡的大管風琴,號稱是全世界最大的木桿風琴,由超過一萬個風管組合而成,巧奪天工,令人咋舌。

一提澳洲大城雪梨,一般人的腦海裡可能立刻浮現坐落在港邊、白色帆船造型的雪梨歌劇院。但也許不是很多人知道,這個獨特的建築在設計建造之際,經歷了好像是電影情節般的轉折,宛如戲劇般的情節,使得這座由丹麥建築師烏特松設計的雪梨新地標 憑添不少為人津津樂道的話題。


"As time passes and needs change, it is natural to modify the building to suit the needs and technique of the day. "Jørn Utzon 2000

"To me it is a great joy to know how much the building is loved, by Australians in general and by Sydneysiders in particular."--- Jørn Utzon 2003

Guided Tour(Guided Tours 中文 Brochures )

Outside it's spectacular. Inside it's fascinating.

Experience the magic of Sydney Opera House with one of our fascinating tours. Choose from; TOUR OF THE HOUSE

If you only see the outside you're only getting half the experience. This is our most popular guided tour and it takes you on a journey through the extraordinary history and architecture of the building. See what goes on inside Australia's most famous building and get a brief overview of the Australian performing arts scene including details of the current Sydney Opera House performances. The one hour tour leaves every half hour between 9am and 5pm and includes a complimentary soft drink, tea or coffee.

Cost:Adult - $23.00Australian Seniors/Students/Children 16 and under - $16.00Family price: $63.25 (2 adults + 2 children under 16)Private Tour (price for 1-18 people) - $432.00

NB: There are approximately 200 steps on this tour. Advance bookings not necessary. Visit the Guided Tours Booking Office on the Lower Concourse at Sydney Opera House.

This is a 20 minute abridged version of the Sydney Opera House tour which is ideal for groups who do not have much time on their hands. On the tour, guests will visit one of the principal halls (either the Concert Hall or the Opera Theatre) including the foyer area. This tour is operated only on a Group basis where the guide accompanying the group will carry out the commentary.

Duration: 20 minutes

Departure: Available between 9am and 4pm on a group basis only

Cost: One rate - $9.50

藍山國家公園 Day Tour to Blue Mountains

藍山重點一日遊 - Blue Mountains Express
這個行程推薦給時間比較有限, 但是仍就想感受藍山的美景的旅客. 如果你準備要撘下午的飛機離開雪梨,但早上又不知道哪裡好玩, 這個行程就是專為你設計的
行程會帶你飽覽藍山最重要的景點, 行程於早上7.30出發, 並於1.30pm回到雪梨市中心.
- Echo Point & remarkable Three Sisters (藍山每一個觀景台以及3姊妹岩)
- Sceniscender (搭乘纜車前往藍山賞景)
- Morning Tea at one of the lookouts (在藍山觀景點享受輕鬆的早茶)
- Breathtaking Blue Mountains scenery (藍山令人忘記呼吸的美麗景緻)
- Mountain townships (遊覽藍山旁風味十足的小鎮)
藍山國家公園是最新列名於世界遺產的澳洲知名觀光勝地,距離雪梨100公里,海拔1300公尺,滿山遍野覆蓋著尤加利原始叢林和溫帶雨林,這裡有超過400多種澳洲獨特的野生動植物,是雪梨郊外最知名的國家原始森林自然生態保護區。 這個行程將在經驗豐富友善的當地嚮導帶領之下,遊客將可以完全與藍山連為一體, 完全感受沉盡在藍山的美麗景緻之中.行程會於雪梨離最出名的鮮魚市場(Fish Market)出發, 接著搭乘巴士前往美麗的藍山, 巴士是採用現代化的中型巴士, 可以搭乘21名乘客
*藍山國家公園屬於大藍山地區 ( The Greater Blue Mountains Area ) 座落在新南威爾士州境內﹐該區域擁有7個澳洲國家公園﹐包括藍山公園.在2000年被列入自然類世界遺產。海拔1000 – 1200公尺,每年降雨量1400 – 1500毫米。藍山全地區生長著龐大的原始叢林和亞熱帶雨林。藍山名字的由來是因為那裏有藍色的霧,這個景觀的形成是由澳洲的國樹尤加利樹排出來的油被太陽照射接觸到而使整個藍山發出淡淡的藍霧。藍山公園裏有90種不同品種的尤加利樹及超過400 種的動物種類。 白人探險家 Blaxland,Lawson和Wentworth首次發現藍山是在1813年,可是早在14,000澳州原住民(Aboringies)就已經來過藍山。藍山內藏有許多古老的營地,斧頭刻出來的條紋,石頭雕刻石頭做的生活器具都一一出土。今天,這些保留下來的文化遺產都被完整的保留在藍山裏.一路上還會經過藍山的標幟就是三姐妹峰。相傳在很久以前有三位美貌的姐妹分別叫做 "靡愛倪", "溫拉" 和 "甘妮杜"。這三位姐妹出生在Katoomba部落,很不幸的是他們三人同時愛上了山下Nepean族兄弟三人。這是有違異族縮怨與規矩,不被父輩首肯,後來因為他們的戀情而引爆了兩族的戰爭。當時有一位巫師為了保護三姐妹免受戰爭的威脅就把她們變成石頭。然而最後巫師卻戰死,剩下守山谷的三姐妹岩,因此三姐妹岩成了藍山最聞名的名勝。藍山裏三座岩石分別為922公尺,918公尺和906公尺。
#這次行程到藍山前,下雨起大霧,回音谷 ,三姐妹岩 和Wentworth Falls都無法親眼見到 是此次,雪梨行 唯一的遺憾! 還好參觀Scenic World,搭空中纜車與陂度近45度高山鐡路和走一段的森林健行步道,欣賞到大自然的偉大與一場森林浴!
Scenic World:a)有三種觀光車,分別叫“Skyway”, “Railway” and “Flyway”各AU$16),去之前真的不懂分別,簡單來說“Skyway” 是平行纜車,賣點是透過Glass Floor觀望山下的景色,而“Flyway”是全澳洲最斜的纜車,“Railway”是全世界最斜的路軌觀光車,詳情“Railway”似過山車般恐怖,下山谷健行一段路再搭“Skyway”回啟點.


可以在車站買一日卷,含來回的火車票及藍山地區的旅遊巴士,有附地圖喔! 巴士行駛有一定的時間,且司機很耐斯,邊開車邊導覽,不過是英文的,一定要妥善利用.(因為豬頭的我們以為健行散步就可以,哪知藍山點和點之間的距離並不近,還好及時發現一日卷的巴士) 最後一站還有超大螢幕的影片觀賞,超讚!絕不可錯過,但有場次時間,你可以在火車上規劃. 藍山非常壯觀,風景宜人,肯定令人難忘.祝你玩得愉快! (背包攻勢提供!)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Fourth Day in Sydney

Wooloomooloo wharf

wooloomooloo wharf
Heritage values. Contemporary living. Woolloomooloo Wharf is made for those who crave the harbour lifestyle. Unique living spaces, views of the water and stylish restaurants, all built in a grand style that embraces the site's unique architectural heritage.

The Wharf at Wooloomooloo is the largest of many finger wharfs that jut into the harbour in this part of the world. It was completed in 1914 and was the point of embarkation for soldiers bound for the World Wars. It also served as the landing place for the thousands of immigrants who came to make Australia home. The Wharf had a rocky period and almost got demolished but it is now a thriving block of Sydney given the development of the W as well as restaurants, bars and apartments. The promenade at the wharf is known to have some of the best eateries offering spectacular views across the harbour, marina, royal botanical gardens and the city skyline

Mrs Macquaries Chair and Royal Botanic Gardens.
Looking south east over Mrs Macquaries Chair, the Royal Botanic Gardens and Woolloomooloo bay. Sydney Airport can be seen in the background.Streets = Bourke Rd, Crown St.

Garden Island
An ultra wide photo of Garden Island looking south east over the eastern suburbs

Finger Wharf
A shot looking down on Woolloomooloo Bay including all of the Finger Wharf.

我們,依Mook雜誌,按圖索驛去找Finger wharf 上一家專賣Pizza餐廳,找到後,主廚已易主,現在叫Novo Cucina.但仍是賣義大利餐.點了spaghetti和Pizza,還好蠻道地,都依拿坡里方式製作,美味極了!整排碼頭都是高級餐廳,價錢還不是頂高,每一家都有特色,專長各不相同.黃昏後,港邊景色絕佳,適合情侶約會的地方!

Martin Place

Martin Place is a pedestrian mall in the business district of Sydney, Australia and is one of the most iconic public spaces in Australia. It runs between George Street and Macquarie Street, and has a railway station below street level. Other cross streets include Pitt Street, Castlereagh Street, Elizabeth Street and Phillips Street.
Made traffic-free in 1971, Martin Place is surrounded by many heritage buildings and features the 1927 World War I ANZAC Cenotaph, water fountain, entertainment area, railway access and pedestrian seating. It is very popular at lunchtime, often crowded with office workers and bicycle couriers.
Buildings on Martin Place include:
The original Sydney General Post Office, now refurbished as a Westin hotel and Macquarie Bank office tower
Commonwealth Bank historic building
MLC & Colonial Building, also containing the Sydney newsdesk of the Seven Network, one of Australia's television networks. The studios are also used for the broadcast of a the Sunrise breakfast program and more recently The Mole, both of which allow a live audience to watch the show through the window. 巧遇國際巨星莎莉賽隆的簽名會>>>

港邊購物中心Harbourside Shopping Center

Located on the water's edge of Darling Harbour with magnificent views of the city's skyline, Harbourside Shopping Centre is packed with great eateries and shops to suit all budgets. Fashion and gift shopping at Harbourside is especially extensive, with a range of beautiful boutiques, homeware, jewellery and speciality stores, most specialising in quality Australian-made merchandise.

Harbourview Souvenirs has a unique range of stock. The selection of gifts to buy from include kangaroo skin bags, cane toad purses to a range of toiletries to rival a department store and pottery and carvings all made in Australia, this store is a buyers delight. The store also features a range of exquisite luggage made exclusively for Harbourview Souvenirs.Shop Number 171(韓國人經營非常可藹可親紀念品堅持都是Made in Australia!聊了許多移轉經)

Candle Palace
A unique range of Spanish handmade candles created on the premises with wax imported from Spain.Shop Number 282 (看到現場實做,非常特別!送禮自賞倆相宜.) >>

<<Jordons Seafood Restaurant

Access Map: