14 January - 15 February 2006Presenter: Opera AustraliaVenue: Opera Theatre
Falstaff is not young anymore. He's a little on the large side. But he's not ready to grow old gracefully, so watch out, ladies! Verdi's comic masterpiece, written at the age of 77, is a dramatic and vocal feast, directed con brio by Simon Phillips. Falstaff tries his luck with two married women, but he's no match for the combined wiles of Mistress Ford and Mistress Page. There's a big splash, a red face, and a wedding to boot… This opera is Verdi's fond celebration of life and love, full of inspired writing for both ensemble and orchestra.
Opera Australia Chorus and the Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra Sung in Italian with English subtitles
DURATION – 2 hours 55 minutes, including two 20 minute intervals
Conductor – Giovanni Reggioli
這次,很幸運能預先網路,定雪梨歌劇院Falstaff歌劇(網路預定票有最低價二大三小花費近台幣14,000).但能,進入世紀大建築,一窺就境,欣賞到世界一流歌劇團與管弦樂團,值回票價.PM7:30演出前,你可到歌劇院高級餐廳或Opera Bar進餐,培養情緒,像我們是sausage roll + fish & chip坐在歌劇院前,席地享用!七點左右,我們先進入,仔細欣賞opera house 內在建築;除音樂廳內,其餘的地方都可照相.此齣歌劇,係改自莎士比亞的作品,由意大利米蘭Verdi ,1893年首演.雖唱意大利文,但舞台設計與演員動作表情超級棒!三小孩,都沒打瞌睡,中場二次休息,整片落地窗很震撼欣賞到不同時間雪梨港灣,港灣大橋與相鄰音樂廳,水天一色,美不甚收,把雪梨之旅劃下完美的結局!
雪梨歌劇院內部,共有四個廳,分別為音樂大廳、歌劇院、劇場和音樂廳。音樂大廳座位有 3 千餘個,其餘各廳從 420 個到一千五百個不等。雪梨歌劇院的音樂大廳舉辦過無數的交響樂、歌劇、舞蹈、爵士樂和流行樂等大型演出。特別值得一提的是,在音樂大廳裡的大管風琴,號稱是全世界最大的木桿風琴,由超過一萬個風管組合而成,巧奪天工,令人咋舌。
一提澳洲大城雪梨,一般人的腦海裡可能立刻浮現坐落在港邊、白色帆船造型的雪梨歌劇院。但也許不是很多人知道,這個獨特的建築在設計建造之際,經歷了好像是電影情節般的轉折,宛如戲劇般的情節,使得這座由丹麥建築師烏特松設計的雪梨新地標 憑添不少為人津津樂道的話題。
"As time passes and needs change, it is natural to modify the building to suit the needs and technique of the day. "Jørn Utzon 2000
"To me it is a great joy to know how much the building is loved, by Australians in general and by Sydneysiders in particular."--- Jørn Utzon 2003
Guided Tour(Guided Tours 中文 Brochures )
Outside it's spectacular. Inside it's fascinating.
Experience the magic of Sydney Opera House with one of our fascinating tours. Choose from; TOUR OF THE HOUSE
If you only see the outside you're only getting half the experience. This is our most popular guided tour and it takes you on a journey through the extraordinary history and architecture of the building. See what goes on inside Australia's most famous building and get a brief overview of the Australian performing arts scene including details of the current Sydney Opera House performances. The one hour tour leaves every half hour between 9am and 5pm and includes a complimentary soft drink, tea or coffee.
Cost:Adult - $23.00Australian Seniors/Students/Children 16 and under - $16.00Family price: $63.25 (2 adults + 2 children under 16)Private Tour (price for 1-18 people) - $432.00
NB: There are approximately 200 steps on this tour. Advance bookings not necessary. Visit the Guided Tours Booking Office on the Lower Concourse at Sydney Opera House.
This is a 20 minute abridged version of the Sydney Opera House tour which is ideal for groups who do not have much time on their hands. On the tour, guests will visit one of the principal halls (either the Concert Hall or the Opera Theatre) including the foyer area. This tour is operated only on a Group basis where the guide accompanying the group will carry out the commentary.
Duration: 20 minutes
Departure: Available between 9am and 4pm on a group basis only
Cost: One rate - $9.50